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Piffle Pfeffel

Alexander Boris De Pfeffel Johnson

Would like us to believe

That he is a man of the people fighting

For our democracy –

Piffle Pfeffel!


His arguments brittle,

Hatred inciting, racism igniting,

Self-promotion his skill,

The man plotting to shut down our Parliament –

Tyrannical clown king

Piffle Pfeffel,


Pfeffel sounds so like

Piffle: nonsense; rubbish; gibberish; drivel;

Twaddle; claptrap; noise; tripe;

Baloney; Bunkum; Bunk; Balderdash; Babble;

And other words for lies,

Piffle Pfeffel,


Idiocy worn as the ultimate mask,

Behind Johnson’s hokum

The sly autocrat who utilises farce,

He’s the institution

He in vainest glory feigns to take to task –

Piffle Pfeffel,


School boy of Eton

Then Balliol, Oxford to read the classics

In which the elite learn

Too often customs of ‘soft supremist’

Via Caucasian curriculums

History thinned into white-centralist

Ideas and idioms,

He’ll style himself a modern Odysseus

Battling with Trojans,


That old Butcher Boris,

Our blood on his hands as he serves us the meat –

Our future the carcass,

Must each eat our bones at his merry conceit?

Yet, his role in office

Thus far historic in its early defeats –

Piffle Pfeffel,


Though he has a Queen’s ear and directs her pen,

The UK constitution

Must be codified to prevent such events;

Proroguing parliament,

In other words silencing all debate or dissent

To force, without consent,

Unthinkable ruin, such entitlement

Has scarred a continent,

A globe, a Northern Ireland Peace Agreement,

The UK itself rent;

Torn as he and his chase preferment,

His fibs don’t relent,

Piffle Pfeffel,


Alexander the Un-great, realm divider

Entitled Trump-like twin,

Dividing neighbours, dismantling traders,

Behold the sole sovereign

Who would silence discussion in both chambers

‘Til he, Count Despot wins,

No matter the costs, the losses, the dangers

As whiles wear paper thin,

Piffle Pfeffel,


That is what I call him,

The worst PM we’ve seen.


Antonia Sara Zenkevitch