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Making Progress?


“I’m making progress, Mr. Speaker,”
We hear Jeremy Corbyn state,
I watch the opposition leader,
As he ignores all calls for debate,
Undeterred, unheard, on with his task;
“I’m making progress, Mr. Speaker,”
“Yes, but towards what?” our silence asks
Cracking delicate glass, their mirror
In each other; a work of Dada
Where masked surrealism prevails,
“I’m making progress, Mr. Speaker,”
Just before each amendment fails,
Falls, and there is no leader I trust;
He cannot overcast Theresa
Who, nebulous, calls out from the dust
“I’m making progress, Mr. Speaker.”


Antonia Sara Zenkevitch

5 thoughts on “Making Progress?

    1. Thanks, it’s also a rebellious quatern; 9 syllables per line instead of 8. An odd number seemed to work in a poem about an odd and dangerous poltical situation – The poem was written after yet another farcical parliament debate yesterday (29th).

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